Where Do You Seek Refuge? [Day 26]
By Ursula Rosien
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1-2 ESV)
How do you cope with suffering? Inconveniences, moments of discouragement? Where do you choose to go?
We are experiencing a unique moment in time when all of our conveniences, things we think we deserve, and things we depend on are shut down. It took less than a month for the world to choose between what is essential and what is not.
Suddenly we are at home all day; depending on your situation, you might not have much spare time, especially taking care of little ones. Or you are fortunate enough that you can work from home. Or you have so much time at your disposal, you don’t know what to do with yourself.
Before the pandemic, I had a time when I found myself with more time at my disposal. My church shut down, and I lost my community, relationships, and, most of all, a place to worship God. During this time of loss, I sought refuge in books. Avoiding my reality was my goal. I went from driving in my car with audiobooks to falling asleep reading my books on Kindle and waking up to Audible again. Is reading a bad habit? I would say no, but seeking every minute of my “spare” time to find refuge in reading books became a bad habit.
Where are you seeking refuge today? Are you going through show after show on Netflix?
When we seek refuge in the Lord, He will provide His perfect peace and shelter us from the chaos of our circumstances.
Choose “to dwell in the shelter of the Most High” first thing in the morning.
How? Pick a verse (maybe the verse above) and memorize it. Having God’s word in your brain has supernatural power. I’ve experienced it. Reading my Bible and seeking Him first every morning gives me the desire to dwell and abide in Him. I encourage you to seek Him first and find refuge in Him first.
“I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” Father God, I pray at this very moment that You would draw me near to You. That by memorizing Your word, I would desire to put You first and spend time with YOU first throughout my “spare” time during this pandemic. Amen.