Certainty in Prayer [Day 24]

By Angie Seminaro

“If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:14 ESV)

Today I lost my keys. Not the “Oh, they’re somewhere in the house” kind of lost. It was the “They’re somewhere in this park” kind of lost where the park consists of 48 acres. Common sense said I would never find them. But isn’t it great that God doesn’t work out of common sense? I prayed to God, “Lord, direct my steps and show me where my keys are.” And He did! In the middle of a giant grassy field, I found my keys!

We can have complete certainty that God answers our prayers. Not sometimes, but every time. Jesus never mentions unanswered prayers.

Let’s let go of sentimental prayer and start praying with boldness and expectancy that our prayers will be answered. Maybe it goes against common sense but one of my favorites, Oswald Chambers, says it best: “If it were only common sense, it was not worthwhile for Him to say it. The things Jesus says about prayer are supernatural revelations.”


Dear Jesus, thank You that You hear and answer our prayers. Help us keep You at the center of our lives. We love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Love, Power, and… Self-Discipline? [Day 25]


It’s Quiet in Here… but is it Still? [Day 23]