Creating Rivers in the Dry Wasteland [Day 10]

By Amy Carlsen

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19 NLT)

I recently experienced the feelings of restlessness and frustration from a long day indoors and a brain overwhelmed by technology. I felt the need to unplug, but I failed to think of something to do that would interest me. Suddenly, I decided to do something that I never do… bake! I surprisingly felt inspired to attempt my Italian grandfather’s pizzelle (cookie) recipe that I always enjoyed as a little girl. I thought, “This could be a new family tradition!” 

In a hurry, I started to crack and whisk the eggs, add the flour, sugar, and butter, and then the reality set in. I began rummaging through my pantry for vanilla extract, baking powder, and anise (which I thought I had), but soon realized I was missing all of those key ingredients. My husband and mother doubted me, insisting there was no chance I could proceed with making the recipe. It was late at night, and nobody wanted to make a special trip to the grocery store. I felt discouraged but proceeded to make the “alternative” batter and pour it into (what I thought was) our pizzelle iron. When the first batch was done, it appeared to be a spongy waffle instead of a light, crispy cookie. My husband then reminded me that I was using a waffle iron, not a pizzelle iron! UGH! From an observer’s perspective, one might ask, “Could this get ANY worse? This is a disaster! What good could come of this?”

Many of us may be feeling this way about all of our crushed dreams and disrupted plans due to the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine. One bad thing happening after another, snowballing on top of each other. More heartbreaking news. More hopes getting let down.

We have all heard of the common phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” Well, I believe God is calling us to a similar mentality in this season. It’s biblical! The Lord promised His people of Israel that He would create something new: a pathway through the wilderness and rivers in the dry wasteland (Isaiah 43:19). God also promised in Isaiah 61:3, “To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.” 

Even though the cookies did not turn out like I had expected, I was able to find joy in the process of experiencing something new, making a memory, and persevering in the midst of adversity. God gave me waffles instead of cookies like I had planned, but they were still tasty and satisfied my pregnancy craving (especially with raspberries and whipped cream on top)!

God promises to satisfy us, even though it may look different than we expect.

This week, have an expectation for God’s goodness, but don’t expect Him to adhere to the rigid recipe that you’ve created for Him to follow! Open your heart and mind to receive His gifts in whatever package He decides to deliver them in.


Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for the good plans You have for my life. Help me to surrender the details of my life to You and let You lead me one step at a time. I trust that You will satisfy my every need more than I could ever imagine. In Jesus’ name, amen.


They Work When You Wear Them [Day 11]


Becoming Attracted to What is Healthy for Us [Day 9]