He's Watching You [Day 34]
By Pastor Amreitha Jeeva
Jehovah himself is caring for you! He is your defender. He protects you day and night. He keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. He keeps his eye upon you as you come and go and always guards you. (Psalm 121:5-8 TLB)
My husband and I are often shouting this question from one room to another in our house.
“Do you have eyes on (insert child’s name)?”
My heart sunk the other day when I heard back, “No! Do you?” to my question about the whereabouts of my son.
We both quickly began searching the whole house for him! Seriously, one second he was next to me, and the next, gone! HOW DO KIDS DO THAT?!
This is one of the scariest moments you face as a parent. I LOST MY KID?! Surely he’s in the house somewhere, right?
WRONG! He had taken an opportunity when my husband opened the door to grab something from the garage to slip outside when we weren’t looking. KIDS ARE SNEAKY!
After a few minutes of running all over the house looking for him, and my husband searching outside, we found him... IN THE CAR.
Homeboy decided to go on a drive!
Actually, he remembered that his Thomas the Tank Engine book was in there and went to get it.
The RELIEF that washed over me when my husband found him in the car was like nothing else! Relief but also utter PANIC of what could’ve happened, along with thoughts of how to make sure this never happens again, flooded through my mind.
The crazy twist to this story is that our friend was driving up to the house at the exact moment my son walked out of the front door, down the sidewalk, and into the car. HE SAW THE WHOLE THING! When we weren’t looking, he was!
I couldn’t believe that during the moments he was out of sight, someone had eyes on him!
Like my friend who had his eye on my son when we didn’t, you can trust that God “keeps his eye upon you as you come and go and always guards you.” During this difficult season of COVID-19, it can feel like God is nowhere to be found. But the reality is, just when you think you’re on your own, HIS EYES ARE ON YOU. He sees you, and He won’t look away. You can trust Him to be your defender, your protector, the one who will “preserve your life” in the midst of a pandemic.
Trust Him. Trust Him when nothing makes sense. Trust Him when everything feels out of control. Trust Him with the unknown. Trust that when it feels like no one sees you, He does… and He’ll be there every single time you need Him.
Thank You, Jesus, for seeing us when it feels like no one else is looking. Thank You that we are not lost but we are FOUND in You. We believe today that You are our defender, our protector, and the one we can trust with everything. We love You so much. Amen.
Partnering with God [Day 33]
By Dom Seminaro
And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. (2 Corinthians 12:9 NASB)
When I was an on-call park ranger, handling my finances was tough because I never knew how many hours I was going to work each week. During my time there, I mostly worked 40 hours a week, but as work became scarce my number of hours would decline. This made it hard for me to pay the bills, and I was stressed because I also had to pay back my student loans. It was during this time that I came across 2 Corinthians 12:9.
The part that stood out to me then was boasting about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can dwell in me. One of my main responsibilities at work was to pressure wash a two-mile long wooden boardwalk in the forest. I used this time to talk to God, and I began to thank Him for reducing my hours at work because I understood He was up to something. I began to partner with God and was believing for Him to work through me.
I remember my hours being reduced so drastically that I only had $40 dollars left in the bank. I believed God was going to provide for me, so I decided to give it away and bless one of my friends who was moving. The very next day, I met up with my friend Lander, who didn’t know what I was going through, and he said, “The Lord told me to give you this,” and handed me a $100 dollar bill. At that time, I was not going to refuse any money.
Continuing throughout the week, I was able to sign up for a few more shifts. At one of the parks, I happened to run into a kid named Blessing, a name I had never heard of before. After meeting Blessing, I was walking around the park and found two winning lottery tickets on the ground. I didn’t win the Mega Millions, but it was enough money to put gas in my car.
Later in the week, I was getting ready to open up one of the parks, and suddenly I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Give.” I immediately went online to the church’s website and gave more money away. Right after I clicked the “Send” button on the website, I noticed I received a text message from my boss. When I opened up the text message, my boss told me that a full-time position had opened up and asked me if I was interested in the job.
When you partner with God, you will make decisions that don’t always seem like yours and do things that are beyond your rational thinking. You will be more willing to move in faith than to react in fear.
Think about a circumstance or issue that causes you anxiety or fear. Try to diagnose what causes you anxiety, and then ask God to change your heart and see His strength in it. What is He showing you?
God, thank You that Your grace is sufficient in our times of need. I’m thankful that I can partner with You in every area of my life and live a life of faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Having a God’s Eye View [Day 32]
By Kimberly Coryell
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV)
The perspective we have during these times will determine the outcome. The view we currently have is just a snapshot of where we are at this particular moment in time. It is our observation of life based on the sights we see as we travel through what some call “uncertain times.” Life has many twists and turns, valleys and mountaintops. From our current position, we have no way to determine the plans God has for our lives. However, God sees the big picture, the beginning from the end. As we maneuver our daily life and our walk with God during this pandemic, it is important to realize the confidence we have in understanding that God’s perspective is so much bigger and better than ours. In order to do that, we must rise above the limitations of our current view to truly grasp the scope of just how high God’s thoughts and ways are above our own understanding.
How do we do this? We drench ourselves in the Word of God; we spend time in His presence and ask Him to show us His ways and will for our lives. When we seek Him, He will be found. As you do, God will reveal Himself to you in a deep and meaningful way so that you may truly grasp how wide and long and high and deep God’s love is for you, and know that His love surpasses all knowledge (Eph 3:18-19)!
While it may seem like social distancing is our new norm, it does not have to be the norm in our walk with God or in our fellowship with church family. As we continue to seek God, participate in small groups and engage in church online. God will show you that His thoughts and plans are so much higher, wider, and grander than anything we could imagine. Let’s allow Him to work in and through us as we trust that He is in control and knows best.
We all have the opportunity to choose the filter/view by which we see things during this time: despair, anger, frustration, fear… the options are plentiful. Let’s be challenged to ask God to give us a God’s eye view of our situation. We can be confident that He will lead and guide us as we seek Him and continue to gather together for small groups, prayer meetings, and church services.
Father God, thank You for reminding us that Your ways and thoughts are so much greater than what we can think of or imagine on our own. Thank You for showing us that You see us and hear us and that You are in control. We trust in You and ask You to help us press into You and look towards You to guide us during this time. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Seek Him First [Day 31]
By Aliha Strange
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33 NIV)
In college, I had a difficult time choosing my major. Anyone else experience this? Choosing a major can seem like the be-all and end-all until you realize it’s not, am I right? Nonetheless, it was an important decision for me at the time. I was torn between a degree that I enjoyed studying and one that would bring me stability. I considered nursing but for the wrong reason. I thought since it’s a clear path and nurses are constantly in demand, I’ll never be unemployed! In truth, I was not trusting God for His protection and direction. I was seeking other things than His kingdom. In the thick of economics courses and a number of other courses that did not suit my strengths, I realized I was lost. How could I get back on track? I asked myself, “What degree makes me feel closest to God?” Ultimately, the degree I chose was my outlet for relationship with God, and the blessing of a stable job followed—without chasing it.
If seeking relationship with God is the focus, He will provide the rest. When we take other elements out of the equation and allow Him to be the Father, provider, and protector, we can have peace. Aren’t we all looking to quiet the anxiety?
COVID-19 has disrupted our “normal” way of life. It has created insecurity and provoked fear. We grieve the ways it has created hardship for many and for the lives it has taken. Let us mourn with those who mourn as Jesus wept for Lazarus before He raised him from the dead. Let us comfort those who need comfort. COVID-19 has affected us negatively. Do you believe that there have been some positive ramifications as well? Do you believe that what the enemy meant for evil, the Lord uses for good? Aside from the negative, COVID-19 has temporarily eliminated many of our distractions. May we use this opportunity to seek Him only.
Lord, we are first thanking You for giving us life. We are praying for Your protection and for Your comfort during this time. Lord, do not let COVID-19 intimidate us. Help us to see the opportunity to pursue You only. Help us to make first things first and second things second. Give us wisdom. Give us compassion. Give us just what we need for today and for the rest of our lives. Thank You. Amen.
Enduring Through the Unknown [Day 30]
By Stefanie Whittington
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. (James 1:2-4 NLT)
Patience is not a strong suit of mine. It was not a natural gift God bestowed upon me, nor was it something I practiced in my childhood. It has made for some fun learning experiences in my adulthood. It has tested my faith when God hasn't given the immediate “yes” to every question I asked or every prayer I prayed. In my journey to better hear God, it even seems I hear Him the most clearly when He closes a door, sometimes even slamming it. Okay, I get the picture, loud and clear.
But every time a door is closed, and every time a prayer isn’t answered immediately or even in the way I expected, it’s given me a new way to see how God speaks to me. The last few years have been filled with uncertainty with job changes and layoffs, moves across the country (three times!), and a continued prayer for how to see the future and the plans God has for us.
But in all of that, every single prayer I prayed to ask for something—like a path to fulfilling a business dream I have, employment during dry spells, or a sign that maybe a family is in our future—I have been pushed to see that God’s plan is bigger, better, and much more rewarding that one I could have planned. It’s brought a sense of ease, especially during this COVID-19 season. A reminder that through all our practice in patience throughout these years, it continues to prepare us for the endurance we need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And to know that whatever path God has for us, we will be complete and perfectly where He wants us to be.
Lord, we are encircled by the unknown right now, boxed into what seems like a world we don’t even recognize. But You know exactly what comes next, exactly what our next season holds, and exactly how we’ll get there. Lord, give us patience, endurance, and grace for when we forget to trust in You. We surrender our will for Yours. Amen.
Not According to Plan [Day 29]
By Jelsy Gundao
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”. (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)
You might be thinking, “Oh no, here we go, another ‘God has a plan’ message.” During these uncertain times, you probably find yourself cancelling major life events, your routine has been completely disrupted, or you find yourself feeling stuck. At this point you are probably thinking, how in the world can God’s plans still be at work? You’re not alone in that feeling, and I find myself asking that same question.
Around this time in 2019, I was ending my last year in college and was getting ready to go off into the “real adult world.” Looking back, my senior year wasn’t all I had hoped it to be. I had created a lot of great memories, but that last year was very challenging and filled with much heartache and needed healing. I had felt like so many things were falling apart. I felt very alone and so uncertain of where my life would go. Adding on to the uncertainty, my job search was going nowhere. I would get a phone call, go in for an interview, leave the interview feeling so accomplished, then get rejected. Week after week for about two and a half months, this is how my job search would go. I became frustrated and scared because nothing was going according to plan. So with all the uncertainty, I felt like I had been launched into the air, and there was no safety net to catch me.
During that time, I found many people saying to me, “Don’t worry, God has a plan,” or “He’s got you.” I knew these comments were well-intended and true. I knew that my loving God had a plan for my life. But, to be perfectly honest, instead of feeling comfort from these comments, I felt anger and more frustration. I found myself becoming angry at God and was constantly asking, “How is this Your plan for my life? None of this is good, and this is not how I envisioned it to be.” Yet Jesus would always respond with the verse Jeremiah 29:11. I didn’t understand what the Lord had been telling me until I read a story about a man who had been through so much tragedy. Time and time again he would always stand up, raise his arms, and say, “God is good.” This is when it hit me. God’s goodness does not cease when our situation is bad; His goodness remains because He is bigger than the bad situation. Just like how His plans encompassed so much more than my situation during my senior year in college.
Jeremiah 29:11 can easily be interpreted as “our own” plans working out, or it can be seen as a Band-Aid or a temporary fix to our current situation. However, Jeremiah 29:11 goes so much deeper than that. In this verse, God is promising us that there is hope amidst the chaos and uncertainty. There is something so much bigger in play. Even though things might not be solved in the way we see fit, God’s plans are still at work, and they are good plans. Our God does acknowledge our situation, and He does not leave us in it alone. Jesus sits with us in our pain and fills us with the peace He is offering. No matter how deep we are in whatever hole we have deemed ourselves to be in, Jesus is saying, “My child, there is more for you than what you are seeing. Come and let’s discover that together.” Here He is offering us an unshakable hope we can cling to.
Have an honest conversation with the Lord about your frustrations. Tell Him the things that anger you about your current situation. Tell Him the things you are hoping for. God wants us to dream with Him. Whether it’s for five minutes or five hours, ask Him all your questions, and trust that the hope He offers will not fail you.
Community also plays a huge role in this process. Press into the community that the Lord has placed in your life. We are not meant to walk through difficult situations alone. Find someone that you trust and who speaks truth into your life, and let them into your situation. Allow them to walk through this unprecedented time with you.
Father, I pray that we lean into the truth of Your word. I pray we cling to the hope that You offer, and that we lift our heads to see that there is so much more than what is right in front of us. God, I ask that we can have honest and intentional conversations with You, and that You bring true solid community into our lives—community that can speak substantial truth. Thank You for Your unshakable hope and love. I pray we never forget Your promises of Your wonderful plans for us, no matter how dark our situation may be. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Penny for Your Thoughts [Day 28]
By Jason Whittington
For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. (1 Corinthians 2:11 NIV)
A penny for your thoughts. Never before have we had so much time. We have time to exercise, read, work on chores, do projects we have always wanted to do, be on social media, watch TV and play video games… Never before have we had so much distraction. And why not? It’s mind-numbing, and it feels good not to think.
Do you even know your own thoughts? We distract ourselves so much that not only do other people not know our thoughts but neither do we. Your mind can be an uncomfortable place. But how are you supposed to be comfortable in this world, let alone in a relationship with God if you're not safe to yourself?
Sitting in silence and letting your mind wander can be a very scary place. You don’t know what rabbit hole it might go down. But maybe those rabbit holes are okay. Be comfortable with that. Or be comfortable with the silence in your mind. It takes practice to get comfortable with your thoughts. But once you’re past the hard part, there is clarity on the other side, and that’s where God will be waiting. If we can’t be safe in our thoughts, how much more distracted we are from God’s thoughts.
It takes practice being with your thoughts and sifting through them to know God’s thoughts. Find some pennies and place them around the house. Put them in places you know you will see them and let them be a reminder to turn off the distractions. Let them be a reminder to listen to your thoughts and take time to hear the Holy Spirit.
Almighty Jesus, fill me with Your spirit. I want to draw closer to You and not my phone or TV. Help me to be comfortable with my thoughts, and guide my silence or rabbit holes to Your wisdom. Guide me to a direction You want me to walk towards or guide me through something I need to work through. Lord, I want my thoughts to be Your thoughts. In Your most powerful, glorious, gentle and wonderful name, amen!
Finding Peace That Transcends All Understanding [Day 27]
By Shannon Spruiell
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:4-9 NIV)
March 16, 2020: I had a secure, full-time job in the fast pace, extremely active career of my dreams.
March 17, 2020: I was let go due to the effects of the pandemic. Panicking, I turned to my roommate to ask for help. This roommate helped me land a temporary job in a single day—in fact, a matter of hours after I emailed her my resume. (She works for a staffing firm.) I quickly found out that the hours for this job are opposite of what my normal hours were previously. I would be working 3 pm to 11 pm on Monday through Friday for the next few months. Even though it is a drastic change, I accepted the offer immediately.
March 19, 2020: I started this new job. I quickly realized how blessed I am to have all the people around me supporting me.
The temporary job I got is working as a service rep for a retirement home. It included asking all visitors a series of questions to rule out symptoms or exposure to COVID-19 and taking the temperature of every person entering the building. It’s a very slow pace job. So far I’m preparing myself to do a lot of sitting and reading books. From the abrupt switch between these two jobs, I realized that I had been spending all my time with an active body and resting mind, so I recognized that now is the time to have an active mind and resting body. Once the city was shut down except for essentials, I was worried. I then found out that this temp job I have is considered essential. Even through the anxiety I have faced, I am getting paid, my fridge is full, and I have toilet paper!
I think God may have wanted to show off a little for me still, because a week later I received a congratulatory email from the Seattle Artist Relief Fund Amid COVID-19 awarding me $600 (via a non-profit fiscal sponsor) to provide meaningful emergency assistance. This emergency fund recognized that I belonged to the group of artists in the Seattle area who have been impacted due to event cancellations and work stoppage.
Through this slow-paced time, I have set a schedule for myself to exercise, reflect, and keep a balance of “normal” life. I have created my own sort of “mantras” to continually reflect on:
Faith drives out fear. Embrace the new normal, and take advantage of the change rather than be afraid of it.
Courage is spending time making your soul. Those who believe their suffering is valuable love more readily than those who see no meaning in pain. Life is enriched by difficulty. Love is made more acute when it requires exertion.
Climbing a mountain is hard work. But after the danger of the climb and the physical exhaustion of it, there is the summit, the place of resting and letting go. The practice of complete and total receptiveness. The practice of consciously accepting what is given as it is given, without censorship by your busy mind… a peace that surpasses all understanding.
I encourage you to write out your own “list of mantras” to reflect on during the quiet times of quarantine. What things do you wish you had time to do that you now have the opportunity for? What new forms of self-care can you experiment with? Make a list of priorities, and then make a daily schedule based on those (e.g., walking, yoga, reading, drawing).
God, thank You for continually reminding us that hope always makes sense, even when nothing else does. Help those struggling with hope today to remember that joy is the strength of the heart and repairs what was lost. Give us the peace that transcends all understanding, and the joy that heals and strengthens the heart. Let us not see this as a time of loss or failure, but as a time of faith and maturation. In Jesus’ name, amen.