Opportunity [Day 15]

By Lydia Wilson

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV)

“Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

Those are the words that were stuck in my head after waking up from two extremely vivid dreams. “What does that mean? How do I apply it?” were the questions I asked myself over and over as I thought back to my dreams and the analogy they provided to that passage.

In one dream, I was walking by a group of middle schoolers in a cafeteria. I spontaneously joined the circle and listened as everyone took turns explaining their science projects, but when it came to me I was skipped because we had never met before. Instead of sitting quietly, I spoke up and asked if I could have a turn to share. I related to a story one of the boys had shared and then continued on with a personal testimony—a story of healing from physical pain, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I made myself available to pray or talk with any of them there that were interested, and there was an amazing response. The kids also began talking with each other about the reality of God in their lives. In an unexpected place and setting in the dream, I made the most of the opportunity to share God’s love and hope with the people who were around me.

In another dream, I was walking past a store when I noticed a father and his daughter. The young girl was foaming at the mouth, and in my heart I discerned that she had been the victim of physical abuse. I screamed for help, had someone call 911, and ran to a neighbor’s house. Immediately some Christian friends and strangers joined me in helping this young girl who had been abandoned, abused, neglected, and had no place to call home. Her story is sadly one that many young people share in our country. In this dream we made the most of the opportunity by practically helping and interceding for someone who could not advocate for herself, and, although the days are evil, the Holy Spirit was able to work through us to impact the life of another.

No matter the setting, be ready to make the most of an opportunity and share what the Holy Spirit has put on your heart. Regardless of our societal state, we need to be prepared to follow God’s promptings and act wisely, not wasting time with an over-indulgence of entertainment. We need to give our time and mental space to God so we can clearly hear His voice and act according to His will.

We must be prepared to make the most of any opportunity, but to do that we must:

  1. Remember what the Lord has done for us (Psalm 77:11)

  2. Listen for His voice in every setting (John 10:27-30)

  3. Obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 3:15)


Lord Jesus, please help me to be ready to share Your love boldly, respectfully, and with gentleness to those around me. Please help me to hear Your voice and discern Your will. Please help me to use my time wisely and honor You with all that I am. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Jesus is the Door [Day 16]


Treasure in the Ruins [Day 14]