The Little Things Make a Big Difference! [Day 5]

By Emmy Chan

Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence. (Proverbs 27:9 TPT)

Just a few months ago, I reached out to one of my friends and asked if she wanted to attend a little pop-up museum in Seattle where we could take pictures with all kinds of goofy props such as a giant pair of chopsticks and sushi pillows! I was so excited, but for a while I actually didn’t hear anything back from her. Negative thoughts immediately started to rush in: “She isn’t saying anything back because she has more exciting things to do with other people.” “You reach out too much and she is getting tired of it.”

But we did end up going to the pop-up museum and took so many pictures together. We laughed, walked around the city at night seeing all the pretty lights, and satisfied our late-night munchies at a McDonald’s. But even through all that, a small part of me still repeated those negative thoughts from before.

As we were about to get on the bus to head back to the transit center, to my surprise she handed me a small pink envelope. I opened it, and she had made me a handmade keychain with a note inside in which she wrote, “Thank you for being my friend.” She went on to explain that she had been so busy and tired from her nursing job, especially since she was transitioning to a new position that took her from working night shifts to day shifts. It was actually the act of me inviting her to do something fun that helped make things better—helped her laugh, enjoy the day, and have the freedom to be herself. Her act of kindness also made my day, and I still keep the note in my wallet to this day!

Friendships are beautiful because we can make a difference in people’s lives. And one of the best parts is that we make these friendships so wonderful just by being ourselves! You have something to offer to friends old and new, and it can be something as little or simple as setting up a day to spend together or writing a note.

Send someone a text to ask how their day is going. If you’re scrolling through social media and see a video that reminds you of a friend, try sharing it with them. It may seem like an everyday thing to do, but your act of friendship could mean the world to them. It may not be easy to think like this either, and no worries because I’m still working on it, too. We can be in this together!


Dear God, thank You for the gift of friendship. I ask for Your wisdom to understand the gifts I bring to these people in my life and to understand that, no matter big or small, each one makes a difference in the lives of those around us. I also pray that the friends I have now and the new ones to come are safe and healthy during this time. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.


The Power of Prayer [Day 6]


What You See Depends on Where You Look [Day 4]